We have been engaged in products involve households, various clothes, hats, gloves, scarves, socks export business more than 18 years, have rich experience. We know this market and supply chain very well!
Customers from more than 120 countries, many of them are from chain stores and supermarket like IKEA, ALDI, METRO, DOLLAR TREE, ATB, AMAZON DASIO etc and wholesale and distributors.
Two big showrooms in Ningbo and Yiwu.
We shipped around 15000 containers last year. The turn over exceeds US$500 millions
Our services:
1, Provide all-around service, airport pick up Shanghai, Ningbo, Hangzhou, Yiwu. Hotel and ticket arrange. Translation and interpretation during your trip. We have many cooperation good hotels with a very lower discount price.
2, Professional working team to help you find correct items.
3, Strict quality control system to do the QC for you and send you the pictures.
4, 12000M² Stocking warehouse for you to collect products that from many factories and load the container for you.
5, Booking container space and load container and ship and all the documents will be ready to send you.
6, Clear and fast documentation. Special packing requirements can be acquired. Purchase all kinds of goods for the customers
Our company is the most professional export company in Ningbo, we also have office in Shanghai, Guangzhou, Yiwu, Shantou.
Besides, we provide several value-added services:
1) OEM & PACKAGE design, artwork team, add logo
2) New products developing each season
3) 12000M² Showrooms display all catagories
4) Warehouse, product test, logistic and QC Service
5) Flexible payment terms such as LC, TT, DP and OA
6) Free sample prepare
7) After-sale service
Tenemos má S de 18 añ OS de experiencia en EL negocio de exportació N de productos relacionados con la familia, jeans, sombreros, guantes, bufandas y calcetines. Conocemos bien EL mercado y la cadena de suministro
Los clientes vienen de má S de 120 PAí Ses, muchos de ellos de cadenas y supermercados como IKEA, Aldi, metro, Dollar Tree, ATB, Amazon dasio, as í Como mayoristas y distribuidores.
Ningbo y Yiwu DOS salas de exposició N.
EL añ O pasado transportamos unos 15.000 contenedores. Volumen de negocios superior a 460 millones de dó Lares
Nuestra empresa es la empresa de exportació N má S professional de Ningbo, tenemos oficinas en Shanghai, Guangzhou, Yiwu, Shantou.
Ademá S, ofrecemos una amplia gama de servicios de valor a ñ Adido:
1)OEM y diseñ O de envases, equipo de arte, añ Adir logotipo
2)Nuevos productos desarrollados trimestralmente
3)12.000 m² Sala de exposiciones PARA todas las categorí As
4)Almacé N, pruebas de productos, logí Stica y servicios de QC
5)Condiciones de pago flexibles, como cartas de cré Dito, transferencias
Telegrá Ficas, DP y OA
6)Preparació N de muestras gratuitas
7)Servicio posventa
Just contact us for details!
Thanks&Best Regards
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